Building A Mobile Esthetician Business

There is a growing need for the Esthetician to be able to travel from location to location in order to provide a complete service to their clientele.  For years this was most prevalent in the hotel industry but in more recent years there has been an increasing demand for esthetician services in assisted living centers and nursing homes.  By their very nature people who reside in these places are older and do not have access to their own transportation.  Should you choose to enter this segment of the market you will need a case to carry your supplies in and a Portable Esthetician Chair.

When picking you case,  one that is on wheels is desirable.  When picking your Portable Esthetician Chair you will want to find one that is light,  has wheels,  and most of all is safe.  Keep in mind that the elderly people you will be attending can not easily get into or out of a chair if it higher than normal.  They would prefer to sit first and when they are comfortable be slowing leaned back into a reclining position.  Removable arm rests are a plus as they can be removed, allow the client to be seated, and then replaced before the back is adjusted.

Your Portable Esthetician Chair will probably be the biggest investment that you will make. You will want one that hardy enough to withstand the banging of being moved in and out of your car and the building.  For this reason, choose one at the high end of what you can afford.  Aside from the portability, look for the same features in your Portable Esthetician Chair that you would want to work with if you were setting up your own station in a permanent spa.  Do you work best in a chair that swivels?  Do you want it to have an adjustable legrest for working on the client's feet.

Now that you have your traveling case for essentials and your Portable Esthetician Chair there are two more stops you will want to make before you place your chair in your car and drive away to success.   Check with your local city requirements for business licenses.  If you are operating as an independent contractor many cities will require you to have a business license.  Also take the time to have a talk with your insurance agent.  You may be assuming some liability that is not covered by the homes in which you are working.  Once you have done these things it will be safe to load up you Portable Esthetician Chair and start your own business.


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